I never thought I'd have so much to say about handlebar tape till I went on-line to buy some. Over the years before the point came to buy handlebar tape I usually ended up getting another bike that had good handlebar tape. So now I'm replacing some that has disintegrated. Here is a transcript of my chat on-line with tech support:
John tech: Hello...
Steve Mohr: hey john
Steve Mohr: did you get my question?
Steve Mohr: apparently some handlebar tape is glued on, some is just wrapped
Steve Mohr: are you with me?
John tech: Yes, some use adhesives...
Steve Mohr: over the years I haven't installed tape very often. I'm usually on to the next bike Steve Mohr: The sticky backed tape I had on one recent bike has been terrible
Steve Mohr: or maybe it was beyond it's serviceable life
Steve Mohr: I've put 5500 miles on that handlebar tape
Steve Mohr: how does the non-sticky tape stay on?
John tech: Slightly warm it w/ a hair drier. It will help w/ removal. The adhesive should come off with the tape when it is warmed up...
Steve Mohr: what's the best way to go?
Steve Mohr: that is very helpful. do you have a recommendation on what tape is best?
John tech: The non-adhesive tape is just pulled tight while wrapping. Then the end cap holds it in place.
Steve Mohr: Does non-adhesive last as long?
Steve Mohr: I'm a commuter and durability is very important
John tech: I prefer cork tape. I am currently using Cinelli; most tapes are very similar.
John tech: Non-adhesive lasts just as long...
Steve Mohr: is that cork tape adhesive backed?
Steve Mohr: what's the advantage of non-adhesive? it seems like that would be easier
Steve Mohr: i've had non-adhesive tape get cut and then the whole thing unravels
John tech: It is not adhesive backed...
John tech: Non-adhesive is easier to wrap and unwrap.
Steve Mohr: ah! John tech: If you change bars, for example, you'll be able to reuse your tape. Steve Mohr: is it standard for cork to be non-adhesive?
Steve Mohr: okay, that helps
John tech: No, I think it is common both ways.
Steve Mohr: is the nashbar cork tape adhesive - NS-DCT
John tech: Yes, it is adhesive backed.
Steve Mohr: and that same tape each order includes one side of the drop down bar?
John tech: One package includes both sides of the bars.
Steve Mohr: how is cork for sweat soaking?
Steve Mohr: the cloth tape i've used seemed to absorb sweat
John tech: Not very good. You have never used cork?
Steve Mohr: I think I did maybe 20-25 years ago
Steve Mohr: I remember it was good for absorbing shock
Steve Mohr: it felt great
Steve Mohr: what is your experience? why do you like cork?
John tech: I like the feel of it.
I want durable tape that has a nice feel that isn't expensive. I don't want plastic tape because the sweat stays on your hands.