KC/DC Cycle

Ride to live... live to ride

Monday, June 24, 2019


The on going debate about cyclists inconveniencing motorists, not wearing helmets, jumping red lights etc etc.....yawn.....zzzzzz. The fact is that motorists drive under licence (generally) and are therefore subject to all the road relative statutes. They drive by privilege granted by the authorities.

Cyclists however in a common law jurisdiction like UK ride on the queens highway by inalienable right under common law and are therefore not actually subject to the statutes. They are not obliged to wear helmets and not actually obliged to stop at traffic lights for the sake of it. All common law required is that we don’t cause harm to anyone.

The definition of free is that we don’t answer to anyone but the one that created us, and we answer only to his law, Gods law. There is therefore no one with sufficient standing on this earth to issue you with a licence (permission).

When we drive we generally accept (usually without realising it) driving under licence using the identification created by the government (the legal person) and therefore become the property of the state, who can then impose all manner of unreasonable impositions on us. And they do. While your cycling your a free man. The moment you get behind the wheel your not, so belt up, don’t pick your phone up, and stop at that red light at 2 o’clock in the morning when there’s only you and mr fox out playing. I on the other hand on my bike will use my senses to determine whether I wait for green or not.

I’m of to put my helmet on before I’m killed by some irate motorists.

Reg Dee from my Cycling over 60 group

Growing old gracefully

I went for a nice bike ride. It was 81° when I started and 85˚ when I got back. I'm recovering from a couple very minor injuries that kept me from riding much for 5-6 months. Age is a factor in both the capacity to function after the injury and my body's ability to recover strength and stamina. It took some mental work to allow for this recovery time. As a younger person I would bounce back, without a thot, to full capacity. Now I have to really mentally and physically wrangle with what I can handle. Here in the tropics heat is a huge factor although temps are moderated by the ocean air within 3 miles. It varies between 75-85 all year. The heat wouldn't be as big a factor if it wasn't for the searing sun. I grew up where humidity was high and heat occasionally went to 100 in the summer without the humidity index. Here near the equator we experience that sun more as it's almost directly overhead. I am nearly recovered to my full capacity now. I ride up a steep mountain so that tests my strength. I ride for exercise and enjoyment. After the mountain portion of my ride I circle the reservoir which has lots of shade, it's level and the scenery is gorgeous.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Have you worn out or totaled a bike?

I totaled a 1980 Austro Daimler Vent Noir after I had it for 15 years. I had just test rode another bike I was thinking of buying. I was coming down a big hill anticipating the climb ahead. I had a clear lane thru the intersection and a bus blocked those turning right. A car hopped out in front of me from behind the bus. I swerved left and missed that car. There was another car in the left lane. I swerved further left and missed that car and went head on into an oncoming truck. No helmet, but I was clipped in which absorbed the impact but it pushed my forks back which ultimately bent my frame in two places: top tube and down tube.

Prior to that I jumped in front of a car on a left turn as a teenage. That impact bent the fork of my Schwinn Continental. I was able to bend them back and use the bike again.

Sunday, June 09, 2019

Advice to new or returning riders

Someone asked about advice we give on bicycling:

If you're a new rider I have different recommendations than an experienced rider. The best lessons are those you learn yourself so get some experience before trying city riding. Ease yourself into road riding by spending time on trails. Ride with someone experienced for a while. They can give you tips on your local area. Make sure your bike is in good shape and you know how it operates. Know, for instance, that the front brake does more of the stopping, but if you rely on it too much it can throw you off balance. Know what it feels like to have things wear out or spend more and have someone maintain it for you. When parts are worn there are more hazards.